At the point when you become a truck driver, a great deal of chances become accessible to you. One of the primary choices you should make is whether you need to be an OTR driver or a local driver. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of every alternative will assist you with making an educated decision. OTR Truck Driving Jobs OTR means "over-the-street" and it is simply one more method for saying long stretch trucking. OTR drivers can go everywhere throughout the nation, and even into Canada, pulling merchandise. OTR Advantages •Higher Pay: OTR truck drivers regularly get more significant compensations than local drivers. The normal compensation for an OTR driver is $62,000 every year, except it will set aside some effort to develop to that. •Seeing the Country: You will find a workable pace you might not have generally had the option to see. •Job Security: OTR truckers will consistently be required; Amazon alone transported more than five billion bundl...