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When we try and discuss some of the significant causes of climatic changes, the main and the arduous reason behind all the damage done is the man himself. Man is one of the leading causes of global warming, which is leading the earth towards disastrous results and making such drastic changes to the environment and mother earth. One of the main reason for climatic change causes is cutting down of rainforest to use woods, emission of carbon by burning of fuels and also increase the number of waste products each day which aren’t even biodegradable.

The people aren’t ignorant about the fact and the product what causes climatic changes but are also unaware of the most straightforward alternative sources of energy that are present and making use of them could help them reduce a lot of stress that we put each day on our climate. Here are some of the facts are highlighted to help you learn about what is causing climatic change and what steps could be taken to reduce the impact of climatic changes in our lives.

1. Greenhouse gases:

One of the leading causes of climatic changes in the emission goes toxic gases in the atmosphere. Some of the gases that are present in our atmosphere are not only toxic but also acts as a glass which doesn’t allow the heat energy from going back to space and hence making the temperature of the earth rise to unimaginable limits and causing more significant damage to our nature. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

The emission of these gases is solely responsible by the activities of man where the cut-down rain forest which absorbs a significant part of carbon dioxide produced on the earth. Farming of livestock’s also helps in the consumption of methane while the cows and other livestock’s consume these gases. And hence making the environment free from all kinds of toxicity.

2. Global warming:

All such activates of man has led to the rise in the temperature of the earth globally. The last decade’s statistics show that the previous rise century has been an alarming situation. If the temperature keeps on raising like this, it will make the environment a lot hotter than it was before. A global rise of 2-degree temperature is also leading to severe health issues globally which weren’t identified previously and making the situation of the world somewhat threatening.

Several ways and tips could save the earth’s situation from decorticating as most of the people ask that what kind of impact it will make at the individual level and how we will be able to save the earth.

Hence, the significant contribution that man is doing is burning fossil fuels at considerable rates each day and increasing the emission of gases in the atmosphere if we take into account some of the alternative methods of fuel-consumption and reducing the gas emission we would be able to make a considerable impact to such climatic changes. 

Alternative energy resources may include wind energy, solar energy as well as reducing the plastic waste and increase the power-efficient means to improve the condition of the earth.

Another step that could be made to ensure that the earth becomes a safer place to live is to increase the number of greenery in our environment. When we have forest and plants in our climate, they can absorb much of the gases present in our atmosphere and hence, cleansing the whole world naturally. One should not think about what kind of changes they can bring about to the climatic changes and always look to contribute some part of their bit to the world to make it a better place for us and for our future generation to come.

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